Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Have you replaced your skin care routine with safe, organic products?

IN Intelligent Neutrients organic beauty
Everyone who knows me knows that for the past year I have been making a concerted effort to replace my toxic personal care products with safer more environmentally friendly products. For most items it was an easy trade, bad for good. But replacing my face care routine was exceedingly hard. I was very, very satisfied with everything about my old products, except their hazardous rating on the EWG.*
My products were in the 4-7 range, which equals moderate to high risk. Yuck! (See the chart below)  
I was going for the ‘GREEN’, organic products with ingredients that had a low risk. Another major problem to finding a good skin care regime was that I am sensitive to aloe vera and most organic creams contain a ton of aloe. But the most serious impediment to finding my new, safe skincare regimen...well, I am picky, really picky!

EWG's Skin Deep Hazard Score Key
Low Hazard
Moderate Hazard
High Hazard
So for a year I persevered, experimenting and testing one cream after another, and finally succeeded in finding some really great skin care products.

One contender that came close to replacing my old products was Juice Beauty’s Stem Cellular collection. They are a blend of Vitamin C and Fruit Stem Cells infused into an organic resveratrol rich grape seed base. I loved the smell of these products, but the jars were a little complicated. Great products that just missed the mark for me, but they came in number one with some of my friends.
JuiceBeauty.com FREE SAMPLES
100% pure is another company with wonderful, safe products, that won over many of my friends. I enjoyed a lot of 100% Pure’s night creams and eye creams but many of their products contained aloe, so I avoided them. They did give me a free tube of ‘Cranberry Glow Lip & Cheek Tint’ (Pure fruit pigments in a base of skin and lip softening and moisturizing shea and cocoa butters YUM!) I put this on when I want to feel pretty.
Purity Cosmetics
So what products won my heart but more specifically my skin...In the day it is definitely IN, Intelligent Nutrients. Their anti-aging mist, serum, and moisturizer are way better than my old products. They are a pleasurable to put on my skin. My face feels wonderful and looks fantastic! I love the earthy smell of their products. Intelligent Nutrients’ plant stem cell eye gel is great too. It does however, spit out from the dispenser. It helps to cup your hand around the opening when you pump. So what about the night...yep...I use Earth Fare Organic Coconut Oil! It makes the best night cream. 
Intelligent Nutrients
Have you tried any safe, organic skin care products? 
If you have, I’d love to hear about what you have used. Share a comment below.