Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Partner Up For New Year's Success!

Partner Up For New Year’s Success!

Crazy Sun MindBody Yoga Class

 It’s that time of year again. And soon we will be making New Year’s resolutions to commit to heath and fitness. Experts warn the first six to eight weeks can "make it or break it" for any lifestyle change. But did you know that if you exercise with a friend, you have a much greater chance succeeding?

The buddy system may be the answer for those whose idealism doesn't match their ability to persevere. Experts say that an exercise partner provides a combination accountability and support that ensures success. "You're more likely to stick with a routine if someone else is there," says Cedric Bryant, chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise. "It's the accountability factor.”

A study conducted by Jack Raglin, an associate professor of kinesiology at Indiana University, found that couples who worked out separately had a 50 percent dropout rate after a year; whereas couples who exercised together, regardless of whether they focused on the same type of exercise, had only a 10 percent dropout rate.

Another study from Mark Conner, Ph.D., of the Institute of Psychological Science at the University of Leeds, and his colleagues Dr. Andrew Prestwich and Dr. Rebecca Lawton, has demonstrated that the buddy system boosts the likelihood of sticking to your New Year’s resolutions.

In this study employees volunteered to increase their levels of exercise. Some were left to do it on their own; others were asked to recruit a partner. Researchers checked the progress of the volunteers after one, three and six months to see how the employees were doing. “It was quite clear that working together and joint planning really helped employees stick to their new exercise regimes. Moreover, the involvement of a partner in planning had a sustained effect that was still noticeable after six months.”

So there it is...working out with a partner really ups the odds that you'll honor your exercise commitments, making it easier to meet your health and fitness goals. So call a friend and make exercise plans today!
About Crazy Sun Yoga & Fitness

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